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Alloya simplifies member and business lending.


I keep hearing the term “financial inclusion lending.” What does this mean and how can Alloya help?

When life happens, financial access is key. Your credit union can and should be the first place your members turn for help when there’s more month than money or unexpected expenses arise. Not a payday lender. Through Alloya’s partnership with QCash Financial, your credit union has access to a relationship-based lending platform that enables your credit union to provide small-dollar loans anytime, anywhere, from any device in less than a minute without a credit check. For members who can’t qualify for traditional lending options, QCash is a game-changer.

How can Alloya help offset slowing or overwhelming loan demand from my credit union's membership?

Take the pressure off your membership and leverage loan growth from other credit unions across the country who need to generate liquidity to continue lending to their members. Buying loan participations will boost your loan portfolio even when your members aren't looking to take out new loans. Alternatively, Alloya’s Loan Participation Program can help your credit union keep liquid so you can continue lending to your membership by selling pools of loans off your books. Alloya’s team of experts and the online Loan Participation Platform is here to make it easy whether you’re looking to purchase or sell!

What types of business lending services does Alloya offer? How do those services make it easier to serve business members?

Through our jointly owned CUSO, CU Business Group, LLC, Alloya offers a variety of Business Lending Services to expand your credit union's ability to support business members. Services include business loans, business deposits, business credit tracking technology, strategic consulting, business services education, risk monitoring, reporting and more. And even after set-up, you won't have to go it alone! Ongoing education and support are available to keep your literacy of business services sharp, and your service to business members even sharper.

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